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Earlier last month, Blair publicly vowed to step down as prime minister by September 2007 after being faced by a rebellion within his own party calling for his resignation.

Earlier in March, the Ministry of Education issued a circular, stressing that there should be at least one hour of after-class sports. 早在三月份,教育部就曾发出通知,强调必须有至少1小时的课外体育活动时间。
Earlier in the day, representatives from the Senate and House, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the New York and Nasdaq stock exchanges discussed how the new corporate governance law — the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 — is being implemented by th 会议开始时,来自参众两院、证券与交易委员会、纽约证券交易所和纳斯达克的代表讨论了2002年萨本茵斯-奥克斯莱法案在监管机构的实施情况。
Earlier in the week, it also set rules for planting forests to soak up gases blamed for climate change. 本周早些时候,大会还就培育树林以吸收导致气候变化的温室气体制定了条款。
Earlier in the week, the minutes of the Fed's last policy meeting had prompted some commentators to suggest that the expected 25 basis point rate rise at the end of this month could be the last for the time being. 上周早些时候,美联储上一次货币政策会议纪要促使一些评论人士指出,市场预期中本月末幅度为25个基点的加息,可能是当前阶段的最后一次。
Earlier last month, Blair publicly vowed to setp down as prime minister by September 2007 after being faced by a rebellion within his own party calling for his resignation. 上月初,布莱尔在面临其政党的反对力量要求他辞职的局面以后,布莱尔公开宣布到2007年9月将辞去首相职位。
Earlier last month, Blair publicly vowed to step down as prime minister by September 2007 after being faced by a rebellion within his own party calling for his resignation. 布莱尔迫于工党内部一直要求他卸任的压力,于上月初公开宣布他将在明年9月卸任,。
Earlier last night, anti-Taliban forces north of Kabul were mobilised and on full alert as the Afghan opposition's chief spokesman predicted that American air strikes would start not soon, but very soon. 昨晚早些时候,在阿富汗反对派首席发言人预测美国的空中打击将“不是不久,而是很快”开始时,喀布尔北部的反塔武装已经动员起来并处于高度戒备。
Earlier mobile phones used analogue signals which emitted higher power signals than the later digital models. 早期的移动电话使用模拟信号,他比后来的数字信号手机发射出功率更强的信号。
Earlier news reports had placed the death toll at more than 200. 较早的新闻报导估计死亡人数超过二百。
Earlier on this day, our friend who brings forth these messages to you - the one we call Cauldre (Geoffrey Hoppe) - came into this space (the teepee) alone to prepare the energy and to invite us into your space. 今天较早前,这位帮助传递讯息给你们,我们叫他科德勒(译注2)(即杰菲里?赫普)的朋友,独自一个人来到这个地方调节、布置能量,还有邀请我们进入你们的时空。
Earlier period education isn't ready for school life but for future life. 早期教育不是为上学作准备,而是为未来生活作准备。

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