In a still smaller field each atom of the physical body, being a world in itself, is a drama of free will and creation.
在更加小的范围中,肉身的每一个原子——它自身就是一个世界——都是自由意志和创造的一场戏剧。 |
In a stockpot, melt butter over medium heat.
取一只汤锅,把黄油放入,中火加热融化。 |
In a storytelling game, the players use the game's rules to create characters to serve as alter egos of a sort.
在讲故事游戏中,玩家根据规则建立起人物个性的每一面。 |
In a straight fight, therefore, it was the drug-sensitive strain that had the selective advantage when faced with a two-pronged attack.
这场直接的菌群较量说明了当面对两种进攻的时候,敏感菌有优势。 |
In a strict legal sense no proclamation of military occupation is necessary.
在严格的法律标准下,军事占领并不需要经过宣告。 |
In a strict, step-by-step or mechanical way.
机械地以严格的,一步一步的或机械的方式 |
In a stroke the archetypal boss, demanding always to be kept in the loop, is made a fool.
廖廖数笔就创造了一个经典形象,即一个傻瓜蛋老板,他喜欢把自己的头一直伸在绞索里。 |
In a study of 234 Hispanic-Americans, for instance, children compared themselves favorably with African-Americans.
但是当他们比较自己和白人小孩,对自己族群的自然偏好却消失无踪。 |
In a study of UK companies between 1980 and 1994, they found a wage bonus of up to 13 per cent two years after the acquisition for employees in companies bought by US rivals .
在一项对1980年至1994年之间英国公司的研究中,他们发现,公司被美国竞争对手收购两年后,雇员工资可提高多至13%。 |
In a study of island lizards exposed to a new predator, the scientists found that natural selection dramatically changed direction over a very short time, within a single generation, favoring first longer and then shorter hind legs.
一种岛屿蜥蜴出现了新的掠食者,科学家经过研究发现,一段短短的时间——仅仅一代,自然选择戏剧般有方向性地出现,使其由长肢改变到短肢。 |
In a study of nearly 75,000 Europeans aged 60 and above, the diet based on plenty of fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, fish and olive oil was linked to a longer life expectancy.
一份针对近七万五千名六十岁以上欧洲人的研究指出,这种基本上以丰富的水果、蔬菜、豆类、谷类、鱼与橄榄油为主的饮食,与较长的平均寿命相关联。 |