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Double Taxation Agreement Maritime Agreement??

Double Bed Suite equipped with tv set, free local call telephone line and air-conditioning. Private bathroom supplied with cold and hot bath water. 双人床套房设有电视,免费本地独立电话线,空气调节.私人浴室有冷热水提供.
Double Check Valve Assemblies shall consist of two positive seating check valves located between two resilient seated shutoffs with four ball valve type test cocks. 这种双止回阀总成应该由两个正向密封止回阀,夹在两个弹性阀座关闭阀之间,并配置四个球阀型测试旋塞构成。
Double Click the column header, then you can see the following edit column window. 只要用滑鼠双击页面标题,你见到如下图一样的编辑栏位视窗,你可以选择显示那些栏位。
Double Ninth Festival (also called Chung Young Festival) dated on the ninth day of the ninth month in Chinese calendar, is a traditional Chinese holidays, mentioned in writing since before the East Han period. 重阳节是在中国农历九月九日,是中国的传统节日,从中国东汉时期的历史典籍中便有记载。
Double Step Each member works out with two or more steps on the basis of step class. Available for experienced members. 双料踏板在踏板课程的基础上,一人使用两块或两块以上的踏板进行锻炼。适合有一定锻炼基础的人群。
Double Taxation Agreement Maritime Agreement?? 避免双重征税协定;□2、海运协定;??
Double Tenth Day is our National Day. 双十节是我们的国庆日.
Double Tenth Day is the birthday of our country. 双十节是我们国家的生日。
Double Tree Property Management Company was founded in early 2004 in order to provide high-quality property management services for the Belle Wood Villas residential community. 两棵树物业管理有限公司于2004年初成立,目的是为美林别墅提供高质量的物业管理服务。
Double achievement will be got if we can take responsiblility for the things what we do. 如果我们能认真对待我们所做的事我们可能会得到双倍的成果。
Double agents live in a perpetual state of fear. 两面派永远过着提心吊胆的生活。

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