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As for the problems of inflation pressure occurring from this round of economic growth, May and June of 2006 will be the optimal adjustment period from the point of view of the internal economic functions, because if the macroeconomic adjustment measures

As for the present, says one fund manager, “this is a great time to be exiting. 就目前而言,一位基金经理说,“是时候该退场了。”
As for the price we offered and you think it is too high,I`d like to inform you that is because of the high EMS transport expense.Actually,our products unit price is reasonable,and we always sell well with big quantity.But if you can order 5 to 6 sets per 关于你说我们报的价太贵,我想告诉你是因为EMS运费太贵,其实我们的产品价格并不高,我们一直都是以量多取胜,但是如果你每次订单都有5-6套的话,每个星期都拿一次货,我们可以少到180USD每套,这个价是最低的了,不知你觉得怎样?
As for the prime minister, Margaret Thatcher, her fault was not her famed toughness but complacent inactivity. 而国家首相玛格丽特?撒切尔夫人,其缺陷并非出名的韧性而是自满孤立。
As for the prince, he will sit in it as a prince to eat food before Jehovah; he will enter through the porch of the gate and go out the same way. 3至于王,他必按王的位分,坐在其内,在耶和华面前吃饼;他必由这门的廊而入,也必由原路而出。
As for the problems caused by non-book materials management and utilization of library and informative department, we make detailed investigation from every aspects of cataloguing, labling, shelf arrangement, information conversion, copyright and utilizat 摘要本文从非书资料的著录、信息转换、存储、流通、版权保护等方面论述了非书资料管理中存在的问题和解决的办法。
As for the problems of inflation pressure occurring from this round of economic growth, May and June of 2006 will be the optimal adjustment period from the point of view of the internal economic functions, because if the macroeconomic adjustment measures 对于本轮经济增长而出现的通货膨胀压力问题,从经济内部作用期来说,2006年的5月、6月是一个最佳调控期,这两个月的宏观经济调控措施得当,就有望取得四两拔千斤,以巧取胜的效果。
As for the product made from microbial and microbial metabolism product, the generus , species and subspecies name and identification number must be provided. 对于源自微生物及其代谢产物的产品应提供生产菌种的属名、种名和菌株编号。
As for the profit sharing, we shall give you a share of40%, which is fair enough to you. 至于利润分成,我们打算给贵方40%的份额,这对贵方是够公平的了。
As for the quality,no manufacturers can be in contrast with ours. 就质量而言,没有任何厂家能和我们相比。
As for the quality,there is no factory to compare with ours. 就质量而言,没有任何厂家能和我们相比。
As for the ranks, we have General, Lieutenant General, and Major General. 就军衔而言,我们有上将、中将、少将。

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