Only one European site, the Colosseum, was picked. The Eiffel Tower and the Acropolis had also been contenders.
欧洲只有一个地方,意大利古罗马斗兽场被选出.巴黎艾菲尔铁塔(位于塞纳河南岸)和古希腊城市的卫城,同样参加了竞选. |
Only one National Scout Organization is recognized in any country.
在每个国家只能有一个正式的童军组织会被所有的会员国承认。 |
Only one Republican, Rudy Giuliani, looks competitive in the polls, and his campaign is less slick than those of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.
民调显示,只有鲁迪.朱利亚尼这一个共和党人具备竞争力,而他的竞选活动却不如希拉里?克林顿和巴拉克?奥巴马的巧妙高明。 |
Only one among us keeps his Spartan reserve.
我们之中只有一人仍保持着斯巴达人的缄默。 |
Only one attachment is allowed for each post.
每个帖子只能上传一个附件。 |
Only one baby survived the terrible car crash.
在那次可怕的撞车事故中只有一个婴儿生还。 |
Only one boy was absent, namely Harry.
只有一个男孩儿缺席,就是哈里. |
Only one bullet hit the bull's-eye.
只有一颗子弹击中靶心。 |
Only one cash coupon can be used each time.
每人每次只限使用一张手机现金卷。 |
Only one doctor is on duty today - the other doctor is off duty.
今天只有一个医生值班,另一位下班了。 |
Only one eye was achieved with deliveries of 0.5 seconds, 1.3 watt and a total energy of 52 joules.
同时并观察隅角及视神经盘之组织病理学变化。 |