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The Earth would be a frozen ball if not for the radiant heat of the sun.

The Earth is a planet. 地球是一颗行星。
The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. 在极广阔的宇宙竞技场中,地球只是一个很微小的剧台。
The Earth is dealing with harmonizing, caring, digesting, transforming, stabilizing,givingsecurity, shape and form, centring, containing, nourishing, rhythm, loyalty(unconditional acceptance), dampness. 土的作用主要在于:调和,承载,消化,传化,稳定,保障,形成,集中,包容,滋养,节奏,忠诚(无条件的接受),潮湿的。
The Earth is only one of the numerous planets in the universe. 地球只是宇宙中众多星球中的一个。
The Earth spins once every 24 hours around its axis, giving day and night. 地球自身绕着它的轴心每24小时转一周,这样就产生了白天和黑夜。
The Earth would be a frozen ball if not for the radiant heat of the sun. 要不是太阳放射出热量,地球可能已经成了一个冰球。
The Earth's crust (where almost all earthquakes occur) is highly heterogeneous, as is the distribution of strength and stored elastic strain energy. 地球的外壳〔几乎所有的地震均在那里发生〕是高度不一致性的,强度和储存的弹性应变能量的分布也如此。
The Earth's only Low-Gravity Zone! Massive rocks float 40 feet above ground, say scientists -- datelined Chengdu, China. (p. 15. 地球唯一低重力区,科学家说大石头离地四十英呎漂浮著。
The Earth's path round the sun is elliptical . 地球绕太阳的轨道是椭圆形的。
The Earth's path round the sun is elliptical. 地球绕太阳的轨道是椭圆形的。
The Earth's temperatures and seasons have become inalterably fixed in their present state and that the Earth cannot be hurled off into space or drawn into the sun. 地球的温度和季节不会变化,固定在它们应有的状态上,地球不能被掷出太空或吸到太阳里。

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