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But has the last word been said ? Is all hope to be lost? Is the defeat final No!

But hang on -- how do we know that radioactive atoms don't senesce? 但是,听清楚了—我们怎么知道放射性原子不衰老?
But happiness is an unpredictable creature that may not show up when it should. 然而,快乐是一种无法预料的东西,在该来的时候也许偏偏不会出现。
But hard as he strove with his body, he strove equally hard with his mind, trying to think that Bill had not deserted him that Bill would surely wait for him at the cache. 他不仅苦撑着身子,也同样苦苦地绞脑汁,尽力去想比尔没有抛下他,而且会在藏东西的地方等他。
But has he learned to play the game like a winner? 但他学会了用一种赢球的方式打球了吗?
But has risk gone out the front door, only to come in the back, because of the banks' trading and financial relations with those same counterparties? 考虑到银行和他们互为交易对手,以及他们之间的财务关系,风险是否从前门出去又从后门进来了?
But has the last word been said ? Is all hope to be lost? Is the defeat final No! 但是难道败局已定,胜利已经无望?不,不能这样说!
But hasten to add, I would feel exactly the same way if your colleague were a woman. 不过我要指出我也会有同样的感觉即使你的同事是个女人。
But hatching a lot of condor chicks is only the first step. 然而,大量孵育秃鹫幼雏只是计划的第一步。
But have we ever thought that there is a cure for sorrow available to all of us? 但是我们是否曾经想过有一种方法可以治疗悲痛?
But have you heard our children today groaning under almost every night simply to finish a day 's homework? 但是,您听见现在我们的孩子在每天晚上要完成一天的家庭作业的痛苦呻吟吗?
But have you heard our children today groaning under the ever-increasing burden of studies? 但是人们是否听到现在的孩子在日益沉重的学习负担下发出的呻吟声?

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