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Like many of the characters she plays in her comedy, Drew is easygoing and laughs a lot.

Like many in Generation X, I spent much of my youth twitching and shimmying to low-resolution graphics and low-fidelity sound at arcades, cinemas and pizza parlors. 就像许多X世代的人一样,我在年少青春时,也曾到游乐场、电影院与比萨店,花大把的时间在低解析度画面与低传真音效的电玩机台前舞弄控制器。
Like many inhabitants of the city they overlook, the huge white letters that stand 13.6 meters in height and which are 10.9 meters wide originally need the occasional work done to maintain its appearance. 这些巨大的白色英文字母高13.6米、宽10.9米,它们的外表就像它们脚下这座城市的广大居民一样,也需要进行不定期的维护。
Like many modern high-rises, it seems designed to be viewed from afar and appreciated for its sculptural qualities. 就像很多现代高层建筑一样,它似乎是有意被设计成从远处就能看到并且能欣赏它雕塑般的建筑质量。
Like many of his contemporaries, Admiral Piett worked his up the Imperial ranks by carefully avoiding the ire of superiors. 就和大多数的军官一样,皮耶特上将的军旅生涯是十分的小心谨慎且尽量避免惹恼上级长官。
Like many of its 53 African members, the bank now shares a fascination with China. 与其53个非洲成员国中的众多国家一样,非洲开发银行现在开始对中国着迷了。
Like many of the characters she plays in her comedy, Drew is easygoing and laughs a lot. 就像她在喜剧里表演的很多角色一样,德鲁平易近人,经常笑口常开。
Like many of the region's outmoded state-run factories, the plant couldn't compete in China's new open-market economy. 就像东北许多旧时的国有工厂,这家工厂也无法在中国新的开放市场经济中竞争。
Like many operators, she had been through medical protocols training. 和很多接线员一样,她接受过医疗方案的培训。
Like many other ancient holidays, Christmas observance is actually a conglomeration of several other festivals. However, to early Christians, it commemorates the birth of the Christ Child. 正如其他古老的节日一样,圣诞仪式事实上是其他若干节日的综合产物。然而对于早期基督徒来说,圣诞节是纪念耶稣诞生的。
Like many other molecules, flurbiprofen has a left-handed and a right-handed form. 像其他许多分子一样,氟比洛芬酯具有左旋和右旋两种形式。
Like many other places with a hilly terrain, Hong Kong has been subjected to threats of landslides when heavy rainstorms occur. 像许多其它山区一样,香港受到严重暴雨期间滑坡的威胁。

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