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After years of slumber, the world's oldest civilization is now on its way to superpower status.

After years of planning and saving,their trip to China came ture at last. 经过几年的计划的存钱,他们实现了到中国旅游的梦想。
After years of prospecting, they struck gold veins . 经过多年勘探之后,他们找到了金矿矿脉。
After years of punishment, the bold child was subtilized. 经过多年来的惩罚之后使这个鲁莽的小孩子变敏锐了。
After years of putting up with him she had finally gotten even. 这是她多少年来最后一次给他穿衣服。
After years of quarrelling we at last sent our cousins a Christmas card as an olive-branch. 我们与堂兄弟多年不和, 最後我们送给他们一张圣诞卡, 算是化干戈为玉帛.
After years of slumber, the world's oldest civilization is now on its way to superpower status. 经过长时间的沉睡后,古老的中国在世界舞台上正逐渐发挥着世界超级大国的作用。
After years of struggle they finally gained the ballot. 经过多年的奋斗,他们最后获得了投票权。
After years of struggling to get ahead, the young couple finally got out from under their debts. 在努力奋斗了好几年之后,那对年轻夫妇终于摆脱了向人借钱皂命运。
After years of studying the brains of vegetative patients, this is the first evidence, the researchers say, of awareness in such a patient, rather than simple automatic brain responses. 在对植物人患者的大脑进行多年研究后,研究者们称,这是此类患者中第一个有知觉而不是只有简单的大脑本能反应的病例。
After years of sunbathing—all women did it back then—Veronica developed photosensitivity, and stayed pale all summer. 晒了多年日光浴之后——那时候女人们都兴这个——维罗尼卡开始对太阳光过敏,整个夏天都是面色苍白。
After years of telling athletes to drink as much liquid as possible to avoid dehydration, some doctors now say drinking too much poses a greater risk. 以前医生总是告诫运动员多喝水以防脱水,但现在,有些医生却认为喝太多水可能反给身体造成更大的伤害.

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