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Those who squabble over space disagree about why there are more species in the tropics than anywhere else.

Those who sit in the gate talk about me, And I am the song of the drunkards. 诗69:12坐在城门口的谈论我.酒徒也以我为歌曲。
Those who sit on the rostrum are somebodies of the school. 坐在主席台上的那些人都是学校有头有脸的人物。
Those who sit under his shade will return; They will revive like grain And will bud like the vine; His renown will be like the wine of Lebanon. 7曾坐在他荫下的必归回,发旺如五谷,开花如葡萄树;他的名声如利巴嫩的酒。
Those who snored more than three times a week, 7.4% of the total, were classified as habitual snorers. 那些1周打鼾超过3次者,占总数的7.4%,被归类为习惯性打鼾者。
Those who speculate are called speculators. 做投机的人称投机户。
Those who squabble over space disagree about why there are more species in the tropics than anywhere else. 一些人将争论的焦点放在空间的不一致性上,即为什么热带地区比起其他地区具有更丰富的物种。
Those who strive with Jehovah will be shattered; Against them He will thunder in heaven. 10与耶和华争竞的,必被打碎;祂必从天上以雷攻击他们。
Those who subscribe to the foregoing points have an obligation directly or indirectly to try to implement the necessary changes. 认同上述观点的人,有责任直接或间接地尝试促成此一必要改变之实现。
Those who succeed find out why. 找出其中的原因。
Those who suffer from breathlessness, heaviness in the breasts, water retention, heavy bleeding, abdominal cramps, mental irritation and impulsion find these asanas very effective to reduce and get rid of those problems. 那些有胸闷,气短,水肿,流量过大,痛经,冲动易怒症状的练习者会感到症状的明显减轻甚至消失.
Those who suffer with lower back-pain sciatica, slipped disc have to add these two asanas in their list. 是指这两个体式对有上两种病状的女性很有帮助,如欲得到改善必须加以练习。

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