But although they can never forget their loss, he says, they are ready to forgive the attackers and move on.
但是他说尽管他们永远无法忘记他们失去的亲人,但他们已经准备原谅袭击者,继续生活。 |
But although they may find protectionist arguments seductive, they should look to their country's wider interests.
不过尽管他们可能发现保护主义者的论调颇富蛊惑力,他们也应该关注本国更为长远的利益。 |
But although wage costs have picked up a bit this year, their growth rate is still subdued—maybe 2.3% or 2.4% in the year to the second quarter, depending on your measure.
长期来欧元区必须做的两件事:首先,创造更多的就业机会;其次,提高生产率。 |
But although welcomed by environmental groups, such piecemeal moves may not have enough impact to turn back the tide of rubbish in an inveterate throwaway society.
但尽管环保团体对此乐观其成,这样零星的运动可能没办法对整个根深的用过即丢社会产生大转变。 |
But although wine's intrinsic value may be debatable, its market value is not.
尽管红酒的内在价值存有争议,但市场价值却没有。 |
But always it lurked, hauntingly, in the back of my mind.
但它总是潜伏着,时常浮现,出现在我意识中。 |
But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart.
但是怜悯总把我带回尘世。痛苦呼喊的回声回荡在我的内心。 |
But always we talk about two key issues to address your problem.
但我们总要谈解决你所说的问题的两个关键方面。 |
But am I the one in your heart?
可是,你的心里有我吗? |
But am I the one they are provoking? declares the LORD. Are they not rather harming themselves, to their own shame?
19耶和华说,他们岂是惹我发怒呢?不是自己惹祸,以致脸上惭愧吗? |
But am working on something totally unrelated (will tell you later on when I get better at it).
不过我正在作一些跟工作完全无关的事情(过一阵子作得比较顺手时我会告诉大家)。 |