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Results The conjugation rate, high molecular conjugate content of and the antibody titer induced with pneumococcus type 1 conjugate vaccine prepared by cyanogen bromide activation were significantly higher than that by amine reduction.

Results The coagulation time of fibrinogen in plasma increased with the decreasing concentrations of chloromycetin, gentamycin sulfate and ciprofloxacin lactate, but decreased with the decreasing concentration of cefoperazone sodium. 结果随着氯霉素、硫酸庆大霉素和乳酸环丙沙星浓度的降低,血浆中纤维蛋白原的凝固时间延长;而随着头孢哌酮钠浓度的降低,凝固时间反而缩短。
Results The coefficients of correlation between vital capacity and age, height, body weight, chest circumference and sitting height were 0.81-0.93 in boys and 0.70-0.90 in girls and the coefficients of correlation between pulmonary ventilation and the par 结果肺活量与年龄及4项形态指标的相关系数男生为0.81~0.93,女生为0.70~0.90;肺通气量与年龄及4项形态指标的相关系数男生为0.64~0.93,女生为0.64~0.9.。
Results The cold ischemia time was shorter, secondary injury was less, the perfusion fluid was better distributed, and the quality of donor liver was better by using this method. 结果应用该方法,供肝灌注均匀完全,冷缺血时间可明显缩短,损伤少,显著提高了供肝质量。
Results The combination therapy had better results than those of conventional corticosteroid therapy, including the improvement of the clinical manifestations, immunological indexes, renal functions, decreasing of incidence of renal failure and the freque 结果环磷酰胺冲击疗法联合小剂量皮质类固醇激素疗法组的临床症状及免疫学指标的改善、肾功能的改善及肾衰率的降低均明显优于单用激素疗法组,且不良反应不大。
Results The complications were: pin tract infection in 21 cases (2.2%), pin hole drainage in 76 (7.8%), pin loosening in 18 (1.9%), pin breakage in 4 (0.4%), knee functional motion limitation in 17 (1.8%), delayed union in 7 (0.8%), nonunion in 3 (0.3%), 结论单边外固定器对胫腓骨、肱骨干、股骨转子间骨折及儿童股骨干骨折疗效满意,并发症较少。
Results The conjugation rate, high molecular conjugate content of and the antibody titer induced with pneumococcus type 1 conjugate vaccine prepared by cyanogen bromide activation were significantly higher than that by amine reduction. 结果采用溴化氰活化法制备的结合物,较胺还原法具有较高的结合率及高分子结合物含量,免疫小鼠产生的抗体效价较胺还原法明显提高。
Results The control rate of hypertension was 9% in the therapy of single antihypertensive drugs, 34% in the therapy of combination of antihypertensive drugs and 43% in combination of antihypertensive drugs with correction of badness life style. 结果单剂用药血压控制率(7例)9%,联合用药血压控制率(25例)34%,改变不良生活方式同时服用降压药血压控制率为32例43%。
Results The criterion of clinical diagnosis for children meningioma is identical with that of adults, but the male-to- female ratios is 3.5:1, 33% is multicentric meningioma, 70% of the cases relapse, and 5% is malignant. 结果儿童眼眶脑膜瘤的临床诊断标准与成人相同,但其男女比例为3.5:1,多发性脑膜瘤占33%,复发率为70%,恶性脑膜瘤占5.56%。
Results The cure rate was 42.9% ,improvement rate 53.6% and inefficacy 3.5%. 结果治愈12例(占42.9%),好转15例(占53.6%),无效1例(占3.5%)。
Results The diagnostic accuracy of cut film with conventional AP and lateral views was 80.5%, the diagnostic accuracy of cine film with angulated views was 90.0% and the diagnostic accuracy of DSA using non-ionic contrast medium with angulated views was 9 结果用快速换片心血管造影设备和常规正侧位元投照时的儿童先天性心脏病心血管造影诊断符合率为80.5%,用电影心血管造影设备和轴位元成角投照技术时的造影诊断符合率为90.0%,采用数字减影心血管造影设备,轴位成角投照技术和非离子型对比剂时的造影诊断符合率为96.5%。
Results The diagnostic coincidence rate was 58.3% (7/12) of ultrasonic approach in low segment ureteral polyp. 结果超声对输尿管下段息肉的诊断符合率为58.3%(7/12)。

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