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Isozyme analysis of dodders in Yunnan

Comparative Study On The Morphological Characters of Diploids and Triploids in Common Carp 二、三倍体鲤鱼形态特征的比较研究
A new method of obtaining wild type heat-labile enterotoxin gene containing plasmid and construction of non-toxic mutated LTS63K gene and analysis of the nucleotide sequence LT质粒的新法提取及无毒突变体LTS63K的构建和序列分析
Dietary composition,echolocation pulses and morphological measurements of the long-fingered bat Miniopterus fuliginosus(Chiroptera:Vespertilioninae) 普通长翼蝠食性结构及其回声定位与体型特征
Cloning and sequencing of Shigella flexneri 2a asd gene 痢疾福氏2a asd基因的克隆及其序列分析
Study on the lncreasing Effect of Active Cellulase Producing Strains to the Rate of Solvable Soy Proteins 纤维素分解菌对提高大豆蛋白溶出率作用研究
Isozyme analysis of dodders in Yunnan 云南省菟丝子的同工酶分析
Cloning and sequence analysis of the xylitol dehydrogenase gene(xyl2) from Pichia stipitis 树干毕赤酵母(Pichia Stipitis)木糖醇脱氢酶(xyl2)基因克隆与序列分析
Design of electrical impedance tomography software system for experiment 电阻抗断层成像软件实验系统设计
Directed differentiation of Balb/C mouse embryonic stem cells into pancreatic islet-like cell clusters in vitro: observation by atomic force microscope 体外诱导Balb/C小鼠ES细胞定向分化为胰岛样细胞团的形态观察
Staining effect of carbol fuchsin on chromosome of salivary gland in fruit-fly 不同浓度的苯酚品红对果蝇唾腺染色体的染色效果
Mechanical and biological properties of human hard tissue replacement implants 人体硬组织替代材料的力学及生物学性能研究(英文)

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