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All is dependent on your decision .

All invoices mush show FOB Freight and Insurance Costs separately. 所有发票均应分别列明FOB价、运费和保险费。
All invoices must show FOB Freight and Insurance Costs separately. 所有发票均应分别列明FOB价、运费和保险费。
All invoices must show breakdown value: ① FOB value, ② Freight Prepaid, ③ Insurance Premium Prepaid. 所有发票应标明分类价格:①FOB价,②预付运费,③预付保险费。
All is Myth, Math. Metaphor and Magic. 所有一切都是神话,数学,隐喻和戏法。
All is a symbol of happiness. 一切都是幸福的象征。
All is dependent on your decision . 一切看你的决心而定。
All is dependent on your decision. 一切看你的决心而定。
All is fair in love and war. 战场,情场,不择手段。
All is flour that comes to his mill. 到他的磨里都能碾成粉。
All is for the best in the best of the possible worlds. 在理想的最美好的世界中一切都是为最美好的目的而设。
All is involved in QC: all is involved in QC by means of establishing “Quality Policy Guide Committee” and “Improvement Group”; encouraging all high/medium level management involve in process reform, and by means of training (including the COP and ISO rel 全员参与质量管理:通过成立“质量策导委员会”及“改善小组”﹐与高﹑中层管理人员共同参与流程改造﹐且通过不断的培训(包括COP﹑ISO相关培训﹑岗位培训及班﹑组长现场改善能力的培训)﹐达到全员参与。

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