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She had her purse stolen in the bus.

She had her chin in her hands, as if lost in a trance. 她双手托着腮帮子,不知道在想什么。
She had her hair styled at the beauty parlor. 她的头发是在美容院做的。
She had her marriage annulled to save Ponti from bigamy sharges in Italy. 重婚罪。由于她与庞帝的婚姻在意大利是非法的,她不得不暂时与丈夫离婚。
She had her moments, when her need to share her life experiences overrode my adolescent stubbornness and sense of conviction, regardless of the situations. 有时候,当母亲认为需要分享她的人生经验时,也会不顾情形地无视我的青春期的顽固和坚定的信念。
She had her portrait painted. 她让人给自己画了像。
She had her purse stolen in the bus. 她的钱包在公车上被扒。
She had high praise for Dr. Higpan, although she complained about his strictness. 她高度赞扬了西格潘医生,但抱怨他过于严格。
She had hoped to sell the three pies but there was only one pie left. 她原本希望能卖掉三个派,但是只剩下一个派.
She had inside information about it. 关于这件事,她有内部消息。
She had inspected dozens of hospitals and barracks and now exposed them as damp, filthy and unventilated, with dirty drains and unventilated, with dirty drains and infected water supplies. 她调查了几十家医院和兵营从而发现这些地方潮湿、污秽而且通风不畅,排水管污浊并且供水系统受到污染。
She had just come out of a painful break-up with actor Tate Donovan, whom she had met four years earlier on her debut film. 她的纯情女性形象使人难免把她同好莱坞公主朱利娅.罗伯茨相互比较。

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