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Cyber Security Bulletins provide weekly summaries of new vulnerabilities. Patch information is provided when available.

Cyber Import is the perfect buffer to reduce factory/importer problems. 赛博公司是减少进口方或厂商问题的理想缓冲器。
Cyber Import isn't merely a conduit or show window for Chinese goods and connections. 赛博公司不仅仅是为中国产品和连接提供一个渠道或展示一个窗口。
Cyber Import offices and most factories will be closed for Labor Day, April 30 - May 7, 2006. 赛博公司和大部分工厂从2006年4月30日到5月7日都将休息。
Cyber Import strives to guide every order to successful conclusion. 赛博公司尽量指导每个定单最后成功。
Cyber Recreation Development didn't immediately respond to faxed questions from The Associated Press. 数字娱乐开发公司并没有立即对美联社传真的问题作出回应。
Cyber Security Bulletins provide weekly summaries of new vulnerabilities. Patch information is provided when available. 网络安全公告每周提供新漏洞摘要。当补丁可用时也提供补丁信息。
Cyber Security Tips target non-technical and corporate computer users. Security best practices and “how-to” information is free to help protect home and business networks. 网络安全小建议以非技术类家庭和公司计算机用户为对象。安全最佳实践和“怎样”信息免费帮助保护家庭和商业网络。
Cyber war methods include computer network attack, transmitting computer viruses and other destructive hacking. 网战战法包括,攻击电脑网络系统,发送电脑病毒以及其它破坏性黑客行为.
Cyber-attacks present an attractive option to America's foes, as a form of guerrilla or asymmetrical warfare. 电子战以游击战和不对等战争的形式,给美国反对者们提供了吸引人的选择。
Cyber-culture, with rich resources and some negative influence, is a double-edged sword for us. 网络文化在带给我们丰富资源的同时,也给我们带来了些负面影响。
CyberWorks and fellow sufferer China Mobile made up 321 of the points lost. 单是电盈同中国移动就推低了恒指三百二十一点。

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