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Moreover, support for active user notification is provided in the system.

Moreover, subject to our fundraising, CES may also subsidize partial international travel cost for the primary presenter of each accepted paper and the panelists. 另外,根据会议筹款状况,大会还将补贴论文第一演讲者和圆桌论坛成员的部分国际旅途费用。
Moreover, such controls are effective, even if porous. 此外,尽管这些措施漏洞重重,但却仍然有效。
Moreover, such knowledge is not a mere extrinsic or accidental advantage, which is ours today and another's tomorrow, which may be got up from a book and easily forgotten again, which we can command or communicate at our pleasure(2), which we can borrow f 此外,这种知识不仅仅是一种外在的偶然的优势,今天归我们,明天归他人;可以从书中学到,又很快忘掉;可以随意支配或传播;可以临时借来,拿在手里到处跑,还可以带进市场;它是后天获得的一种启示,是一种习惯,一种个人财产,一种内在的才能。
Moreover, such proof is superfluous, for the idea of an all-powerful divine Being is present everywhere, unconsciously if not consciously, because it is an archetype. 而且,这种证据也是多余的,因为全能神圣存在的理念在处处显现——意识或潜意识中的,因为它是一个原型。
Moreover, such reservoirs have high temperature, medium-highly hydrophilic, not sensitive to water, acid and alkali, and have good feasibility of waterflooding. 而且该类油藏温度高,储层润湿性为中-强亲水,对水、酸、碱不敏感,具有较好的注水可行性。
Moreover, support for active user notification is provided in the system. 系统还提供了通知机制来通知移动用户移动事务的最终执行结果。
Moreover, surveys show the most stressful aspects of life for staff in big companies are office politics and commuting, things entrepreneurs can largely avoid. 此外,调查显示,大公司员工生活中最紧张的方面是办公室政治和通勤,而企业家大多可以避免这些问题。
Moreover, tax propaganda will be intensified by innovating propaganda media and forms so as to enhance social awareness to honestly pay tax in accordance with law. 加强税收宣传工作,创新宣传形式和载体,继续打造我省地税的税收宣传“品牌”,促进全社会依法诚信纳税意识的不断增强。
Moreover, telecommuting removes geographic and physical barriers, allowing the firm more flexibility in hiring and assigning employees to teams. 此外,远程办公消除了地理和物理上的障碍,允许公司在雇佣和把员工组合成团队上有更大的灵活性。
Moreover, terminating a running process to change some of its service code would also terminate the collocated logging service. 过早的提交配置阻碍了灵活性减少了功能和效率。
Moreover, that absenceof difference was long-lived. 除此之外,差异的消失还是长期性的。

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