The minimal cost for taking taxi // far outweighs the inconvenience // of being immobile in this vast urban area.
城区广大,交通不便,无法走动,所以出这么点钱坐出租车还是非常划得来的(上算的)。 |
The minimalist graphic design is mainly used to put the emphasis on Origine's shape.
我们将图案设计降低到最小,集中在“起源”的外形上。 |
The minimum admission requirements for foreign students include a good pass in all subjects from previous college/university examination and an adequate level of Chinese language competency.
外国学生入学标准应以其在原毕业学校之学业平均成绩及格为最低标准,并具备中国语文能力。 |
The minimum admission requirements for foreign students include a good pass in all subjects from previous school examination and an adequate level of Chinese language competency.
外国学生入学标准应以其在原毕业学校之各科成绩达相当标准为最低标准,并具备中国语文能力。 |
The minimum allowance for downtime should be in compliance with the local regulations and rules.
若合同内容有关于停工待料补贴工资的问题,则补贴工资的最低标准就是按当地最低工资标准。 |
The minimum amount of Renminbi deposit is RMB50, that of B-type foreign currency deposit is the equivalent of RMB500, and that of C-type foreign currency deposit is the equivalent of RMB50.
人民币存款起存金额50元,乙种外币存款起存金额为不低于人民币500元的等值外币,丙种外币存款起存金额为不低于人民币50元的等值外币。 |
The minimum amount of oil is reached when marker dot A is brought close to needle bar crank 3 by turning the adjust pin in direction B.
调详销刻点A从图的位置向B方向转动,转动到接近针杆曲轴3时,油量最小。 |
The minimum amount of registered capital for the establishment of an insurance company shall be fully paid-up in monetary form.
保险公司注册资本最低限额必须为实缴货币资本。 |
The minimum amount of registered capital of a limited liability company shall be RMB 30, 000 Yuan.
有限责任公司注册资本的最低限额为人民币三万元。 |
The minimum amount of registered capital shall be the paid in money capital.
保险公司注册资本最低限额必须为实缴货币资本。 |
The minimum amount of the registered capital of a joint stock limited company shall be RMB 5 million Yuan.
股份有限公司注册资本的最低限额为人民币五百万元。 |