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If interruptions annoy me,and private cares make me impatient;if I shadow the souls about me because I myself am shadowed, then I know nothing of Calvary love.

If instead he panders to LDP interests or the ultra-nationalist wing, the Abe administration will have started dismally. 然而,如果他只是迎合极端民族主义者或是自民党一已之利,那么安倍政权将会迎来一个暗淡沮丧的开局。
If instead they are defensive, evasive or seem to feel that it's none of your business, maybe you should shop elsewhere. 反之,如果他们对于这个问题表现很抵触,不愿意正面回答,或者干脆认为这不关你的事情,或许你应该另行寻找新的服务商。
If insurance for additional amount and /or for other insurance terms is required by the Buyers, prior notice to thiseffect must reach the Sellers before shipment and is subject to theSellers' agreement, and the extra insurance premium shall be for theBuye 如买方需增加保险额及/或需加保其他险,可于装船前提出,经卖方同意后代为投保,其费用由买方负担。
If interest rates rise, they will only be able to refinance their debt when it falls due if they secure ratings upgrades by making fundamental improvements in their business. 如果利率上升,除非通过改善业务基本面,取得评级上调,否则一旦拖欠债务他们无法对其重组。
If interruptions annoy me, and private cares make me i***atient; if I shadow the souls about me because I myself am shadowed, then I know nothing of Calvary love. 若别人的干扰叫我生气,别人的需要叫我不耐烦;若我以阴影笼罩周围的人,只因我自己也被阴影所笼罩,那我就还是丝毫不懂加略山的爱。
If interruptions annoy me,and private cares make me impatient;if I shadow the souls about me because I myself am shadowed, then I know nothing of Calvary love. 若别人的干扰叫我生气,别人的需要叫我不耐烦,若我以阴影笼罩周围的人,只因我自己也被阴影所笼罩,那我就还是丝毫不懂加略山的爱。
If investment accounts for 45% of GDP and it grows at an annual rate of around 25%, then simple arithmetic shows that investment alone should cause output to rise by 11% a year, even without any increase in consumption and net exports. 如果投资占gdp的45%,它以大约每年25%的速度增长,那么通过简单的代数运算就可以得出即使在消费和净出口没有任何增长的情况下,仅投资一项就可以使产出每年增长11%。
If investment enterprises would introduce the graduates, short professional students and people entitled middle level technical posts, who are permit to remove registered permanent residence without charging city construction fee as well their family memb 投资企业引进的大学本科毕业生、紧缺专业的大专毕业生和中级技术职称以上各类人才,允许户口迁入,并报当地小城镇户籍,不收取城市建设费,抚养人其子女、家属可享受当地教育、医疗、保险等同等待遇。
If investors can get high yields holding low risk bonds or simply keeping money in the bank, they will do it. 如果投资者能持有低风险的债券或者简单地把钱放在银行里,而得到高收益,他们就会这样做。
If investors can get high yields holding low-risk bonds or simply keep money in the bank, they will do it. 如果投资者们能持有高收益低风险的债券或者说简单的把钱存放在银行里,对他们而言何乐而不为?
If investors can get high yields holding low-risk bonds, or simply keeping money in the bank, they will do it. 只要投资者可以持有低风险高收益债券,或者只是把钱存在银行,他们都会那样做。

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