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In 2005, the company posted net earnings of $68 million—triple 2003's—on sales of $1.5 billion.

In 2005, state media reported that pollution made major portions of China's river water and ground water supplies were unsafe. 中国官方媒体2005年报导,污染使得中国大部份河水和地下水不安全。
In 2005, the Chinese telecommunication industry, under the guidance of the state policy, has achieved the metamorphosis of going from small growth to quantum leap. 2006年,在国家强有力政策的调节下,我国通信业再一次实现了从“量变”到“质变”的飞跃。
In 2005, the Department of Health funded Draper Report found that children who lived within 200 metres of high voltage lines had a 70% higher risk of developing leukaemia than those who lived more than 600 metres away. 2005年,英国卫生部资助的一项研究显示,在高压电缆塔周围200米内的儿童患白血病的机率比居住在电缆塔600米外的儿童要高70%。
In 2005, the Group bought off the 5000-mu water-covered area and land resources using and profit-earning right of Songlu Lake, which signifies another powerful advance of this Group towards multi-industry development. 2005年,集团买断宋鲁湖5000亩水域及土地资源的使用权和收益权,这是集团向多产业发展的又一力作。
In 2005, the brand value of Hongta Group is RMB 51.5 billion and Hongta brand had once ranked No. 1 for the most valued brand in China for 7 consecutive years. 2005年红塔集团品牌价值515亿,并曾连续七年蝉联中国最有价值品牌第一名。
In 2005, the company posted net earnings of $68 million—triple 2003's—on sales of $1.5 billion. 二00五年,该公司销售额是十五亿美元,净利达六千八百万美元,是二00三年的三倍。
In 2005, the first 28 national mineparks had been established in China, which have important theoretic value and practical significance. 2005年我国首批28处矿山公园的建立,具有重要的理论价值和实际意义。
In 2005, the introspection of the reform developed into the third controversyafter the reform and opening-up. 摘要2005年,对于改革的反思演变成了改革开放以来的“第三次论争”。
In 2005, the investment of convertible bonds may bring new value for investor, under the background of the innovation of split share structure by supervisor. 在2005年监管层决定彻底解决股权分置问题的背景下,可转债的投资可能面临着新的投资机会。
In 2005, the total amount of Carrefour Group purchased from China has reached 4.58 billion USD, which has greatly increased by 41%. 2005年,家乐福集团在中国的综合采购总额实现45.8亿美元,增幅达到41%。
In 2005, there are 40 winery plants in Xinjiang Autonomous Region with an annual production capacity of 150 thousand tons. 2005年新疆的葡萄酒厂40多家,具有15万吨的年生产能力。

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