Clearer than all I see my own grinning skull, see the skeleton dancing in the wind, serpents issuing from the rotted tongue and the bloated pages of ecstasy slimed with excrement.
我自己狞笑的脑壳是看得最清楚的,我看到自己的骷髅在风中跳舞,毒蛇从腐烂的舌头里爬出来,描写欣喜的膨胀的书页被粪弄脏了。 |
Clearer, enforceable property rights are essential if China's fantastic 30-year boom is to continue and if the tensions it has generated are to be managed without widespread violence.
假如中国30年梦幻般的繁荣要继续下去、并且在没有普遍暴力的情况下把繁荣产生的紧张状态应付过去,更清楚的、强制执行的财产权是必须的。 |
Clearing a forest, draining a wetland, damming a river or dynamiting a coral reef to kill its fish can more readily eliminate species with small ranges than more widespread species.
分布範围小的物种跟範围大的物种比起来,更容易因森林砍伐、湿地乾涸、河流筑坝或珊瑚礁炸鱼等原因而绝灭。 |
Clearing heat and transforming phlegm; diffusing the lung and suppressing cough, due to colds and acute bronchitis.
清热化痰,宣肺止咳。用于治疗感冒后咳嗽、支气管炎咳嗽。 |
Clearing the massive conifer forests of Minnesota continued into the first decades of the 20th century, when production peaked in 1905.
明尼苏达州大片针叶树森林的采伐一直持续到20世纪的最初数十年,木材产量在1905年时达到最高峰。 |
Clearinghouse Review---
国家产权法律中心的法律发展信息资源,全文. |
Clearly China and many of its trade partners are engaged in an escalating series of tit-for-tat trade disputes.
显然,中国与其许多贸易伙伴正陷入一系列日益升级、针锋相对的贸易争端。 |
Clearly Eliza will not pass as a duchess.
很明显,伊莉莎现在还不能被当作公爵夫人。 |
Clearly Putin wants nothing to detract from the message of the celebrations that his Russia is a country thriftily reemerging from decades of Soviet isolation, and intends on claiming an important place as a part of the Europe.
很明显,普京不希望任何事物削弱庆典所带来的信息:那就是,他的俄罗斯正在摆脱苏联几十年的孤立状况,重现昔日辉煌;并想告诉人们俄罗斯作为欧洲的一部分的重要性。 |
Clearly for some, much is at stake in the findings of science.
对某些人而言,科学发现显然会带来很大的危机。 |
Clearly he thinks outside the box.
很明显他是在走旁门左道。 |