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The leaders were very strict.

The leaders of our two countries have reached agreement on the question of Hong Kong and have done something highly significant in the interest of our countries and peoples. 我们两国的领导人就香港问题达成协议,为各自的国家和人民做了一件非常有意义的事情。
The leaders of the Ministry of Finance show great foresight and make the wise decision to hold this English training program. 部领导高瞻远瞩,并作出英明决策,加强干部外语培训。
The leaders of the collusion against the government were caught and punished. 阴谋反对政府的领导者被捉到且被惩罚。
The leaders of the two countries held a backdoor meeting yesterday. 昨天两国领导人进行了秘密的会谈。
The leaders should realize how great the influence of such a meeting may be, with its roots nourished by the life of prayer in the inner chamber. 参加聚会的人必须认识,像这样的聚会,因着他得了内室中祷告生活的供应,他的影响力是何等的浩大。
The leaders were very strict. 犹太人领袖极为严格。
The leaders will hold off making a decision until Monday. 领导们将延迟到星期一再做出决定。
The leadership art is the ability to convert good desire into active behavior, with which it is possible to organize an army from a group of people. 领导艺术是将良好的意愿转化为积极行为的能力。有了它,就可能将一群人组织成一支队伍。
The leadership has been particularly rattled by the “colour revolutions” against authoritarian governments in Georgia in 2003, Ukraine in 2004 and Kyrgyzstan in 2005. 中国的领导者们特别警惕着2003年在格鲁吉亚,2004年乌克兰,2005年吉尔吉斯斯坦发生的所谓“颜色革命”。
The leadership of political party is villager's self-government healthily development prerequisite and the guarantee. 摘要党的领导是树民自治健康发展的前提和保障。
The leadership of the movement are in agreement on this issue. 这一运动的领导层对这个问题的看法一致。

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