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A newly discovered hot halo, a cosmic fountain and ghostly bubbles produced by an ancient explosion could change the way scientists look at galaxies, including our own Milky Way, astronomers reported today.

A newcomer to New York ended up in hospital suffering from frostbite and dehydration after he left his brother's house for a stroll and spent the next five days hopelessly lost. 一名初到纽约的圭亚那男子在哥哥家附近散步时走失,经过5天的流浪后,这名男子终于因冻伤和脱水躺在了医院,而这场痛苦的经历都归咎于他太过害羞的性格。
A newly developed air/water cooler enables instrallation of 4 lamps as a standard system. 由于风冷水冷设备的开发,可安装4个标准灯管。
A newly developed green colour stain. It possesses the highest green value in our palette of colours. Particularly suitable for glazes with low zinc content. 我们新开发出来的绿色料,具有我们所有色料中最高的绿色值。本产品特别适合于低锌釉。
A newly developed multivariable decoupling ball-mill coal-pulverizing system of 300MW power station is introduced in this paper. 摘要探讨了一种新型的300MW机组磨煤机制粉系统智能控制方法。
A newly developed product by improving automatic continuous sealer with filling gas mechanism,the products is mainly uwed in the packaging of puffed food, The machine fill the gas in bag before sealing to make the bag inflated to protect the goods during 1000型主要适用于膨化食品的包装,是在自动薄膜封口机改进自动充气装置后的产品,逆料薄膜经过充气包装后提高了抗碎性,减少食品在运输过程中的损坏。
A newly discovered hot halo, a cosmic fountain and ghostly bubbles produced by an ancient explosion could change the way scientists look at galaxies, including our own Milky Way, astronomers reported today. 今天,有天文学家说,一个新发现的热日冕、一处宇宙源以及某次远古爆炸产生的幽灵般的气泡,可能会改变科学家对包括我们银河系在内星系的认识。
A newly hired technician is testing the connectivity of all hosts by issuing a ping command. 一崭新雇用技术人员正在藉由发行一个子弹飞过空中的声音指令尝试所有的主人连接性。
A newly made amino acid chain folds into a distinctive shape depending on the positioning of hydrophobic amino acids, which like to cluster together away from the cell's watery cytoplasm, leaving hydrophiles to form the protein's surface. 刚合成好的胺基酸长链,会根据疏水性胺基酸的分布位置,摺叠成蛋白质的独特形状:疏水性胺基酸彼此向内聚拢,避免接触到富含水的细胞质环境;亲水性胺基酸则向外翻出,构成蛋白质的表面。
A newly-devised microcomputer can act as a guide to a blind person. 一种新设计的微型计算机能够充任盲人的向导。
A news chopper decided to help out struggling deer by using its powerful rotor to actually blow the animal off the ice where was stuck and then back onto land. 一架新闻报道的直升机决定帮助挣扎的小鹿摆脱困境,它利使用威力十足的旋翼把陷入冰块里的小鹿的吹回到陆地.
A news for all having no breeze! 好多天都没有风的消息了!

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