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Article 18 In case that unconformity with relevant provisions is found in application for reexamination submitted by a construction enterprise or in sampling examination performed by the central, municipal or county (city) competent authority, the authori

Article 18 Civil air defense works include underground protective structures that are constructed particularly for sheltering people and goods and materials, civil air defense command and medical aid in time of war, and basements that are constructed in c 第十八条人民防空工程包括为保障战时人员与物资掩蔽、人民防空指挥、医疗救护等而单独修建的地下防护建筑,以及结合地面建筑修建的战时可用于防空的地下室。
Article 18 Enterprises with foreign capital shall handle their foreign exchange transactions in accordance with the state provisions for foreign exchange control. 第十八条外资企业的外汇事宜,依照国家外汇管理规定办理。
Article 18 For commodities subject to batch-by-batch inspection, the obligatory inspection applicant shall file a batch-by-batch inspection application with the BSMI. 第18条实施逐批检验之商品,应由报验义务人向标准检验局报请检验。
Article 18 If an alteration of the list of foreign capital stock holders needs to be made according to judicial rulings, the ruling may be made by the court exercising the jurisdiction over the place where the original of the list is kept. 第十八条境外上市外资股股东名册正本的更正需要依据司法裁定作出的,可以由名册正本存放地有管辖权的法院裁定。
Article 18 If the amount in surplus after the deduction of enterprise's undistributed profits, various funds and liquidation expenses from the net amount of assets or the remaining property of a foreign investment enterprise that is under liquidation exce 第十八条外商投资企业进行清算时,其资产净额或者剩余财产减除企业未分配利润、各项基金和清算费用后的余额,超过实缴资本的部分为清算所得,应当依照本法规定缴纳所得税。
Article 18 In case that unconformity with relevant provisions is found in application for reexamination submitted by a construction enterprise or in sampling examination performed by the central, municipal or county (city) competent authority, the authori 第18条营造业申请复查或中央主管机关或直辖市、县(市)主管机关抽查,有不合规定时,中央主管机关或直辖市、县(市)主管机关应列举事由,通知其补正。
Article 18 In case the mortgagee has transferred all or part of his right to debt secured by the mortgaged ship to another person, the mortgage shall be transferred accordingly. 第十八条抵押权人将被抵押舶舶所担保的债权全部或者部分转让他人的,抵押权随之转移。
Article 18 It is prohibited to counterfeit or alter Renminbi. 第十八条禁止伪造、变造人民币。
Article 18 Member representatives have selection right and the rights of voting, vetoing and being elected, one vote for each ember representative. 第18条(会员代表权限)会员代表有表决权、选举权、被选举权及罢免权,每一代表为一权。
Article 18 New construction, construction renovation and expansion projects shall conduct environmental impact assessments with respect to analysis and assessment of use of raw materials, resource consumption, comprehensive utilization of resources, as we 第十八条新建、改建和扩建项目应当进行环境影响评价,对原料使用、资源消耗、资源综合利用以及污染物产生与处置等进行分析论证,优先采用资源利用率高以及污染物产生量少的清洁生产技术、工艺和设备。
Article 18 Party B will make the judgment according to the collected representative objective evidence through on site audit; if the loss is caused by Party A's implementation violating the management system or Party A's fault, it will be Party A's liabil 第十八条乙方将通过现场审核收集代表性客观证据进行判定,如因甲方未按管理体系运行或因甲方过失造成自身的损失乙方不予负责。

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