Then I needn't worry my CET4.
那样的话,我想,我的英语一定会很好的。 |
Then I passed by and saw you kicking about in your blood, and as you lay there in your blood I said to you, Live!
6我从你旁边经过,见你滚在血中,就对你说,你虽在血中,仍可存活。你虽在血中,仍可存活。 |
Then I phoned my nephew who was at work.
接着我打电话给了我的侄子,他在工作。 |
Then I pick a skin color, starting with a warm, slightly yellowish tan, at perhaps 35%, and use the bucket tool to fill the face.
然后我选了一个皮肤的颜色,暖色调的微微发黄的棕褐色,大概35%,然后使用涂料桶工具开始填充脸部。 |
Then I place some arrows to point out the route my eyes take from point to point.
最后我画出一些箭头来指出让我的眼睛从一个点移向另一点的路线。 |
Then I put my handkerchief over the cup.
(然后我把我的手帕覆在杯子上。——杯子被手帕所覆盖。) |
Then I reached under my pillow and took out the gravy boat.
但一次又一次,绳子拉上来,空无一物。 |
Then I realised, it has to be with a spirit of gentleness that Philippians 4:8 is to become a reality in my life, lest I be tempted and lured away by conceit (Philippians 2:3).
跟着我恍然大悟,欲使腓立比书4章8节在我生命中成为事实,就非得有温柔的心不可,否则我就可能受诱惑,被虚浮的荣耀所牵引(腓2:3)。 |
Then I realized it was perfect that I had no job: it was time to do the book.
我没有了工作然后我了解它是完美的:是到了写书的时候。 |
Then I returned, and I saw vanity under the sun.
7我又转念,见日光之下有一件虚空的事。 |
Then I said to the angel who was speaking with me saying, What are these, my lord?
亚4:4我问与我说话的天使说、主阿、这是甚麽意思。 |