[you wouldn't lie in bed now.
你现在就不会在床上躺着了)。 |
[z3] What happens to human logos when this is generated at a distance and on the Web?
当这(虚拟的某种知识世界)在远处或计算机网络上产生的时候,什么变化发生在人(理念或理性)身上? |
[z6] Has a new modality of space and time arisen, different from physical space-time?
出现了有别于物理时空的,某种新的时空形态吗? |
[“Made by [the Licensee] in [China] under Licence from [the Licensor]. [Insert principal word mark] is the registered trademark of [the Licensor]”.
经(许可方)许可由(被许可方)在(中国)制造。(插入主要文字标志)是(许可方)的注册商标。 |
\ Remember to type the commands exactly as they are written, and end with pressing the Enter key!
\记住要正确的按照下面写的输入,后面还得带上回车键! |
\She sips the coffee and looks at her friends curiously with a smile on her face.
“她轻轻地吮了口咖啡,面带微笑用好奇的眼光注视着她的朋友。 |
_How to transgresslanguage barriers and_contextual differencesin communication?
如何能跨越语言的障碍及文化背景的差异? |
`A generous miser' is a contradiction in terms.
`慷慨的吝啬鬼'在用词上自相矛盾. |
`Abracadabra,' said the conjuror as he pulled the rabbit from the hat.
魔术师口中念念有词, 把兔子从礼帽中掏了出来. |
`Accountability' is the current vogue-word in politics.
`有解释责任'是当前政治上的流行词. |
`Any advance on 20?' called the auctioneer.
拍卖人喊道: '20英镑, 还有增加的吗?' |