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George rudely barged in on our private meeting.

George loves Louisa at first sight for her eye-catching apperance and friendly manner. 由于路易莎那极为吸引的外貌和友善的态度,乔治第一眼便爱上了她。
George nodded promptly and seized the lottery ticket and kissed it, then he danced with the violinist. 乔治-桑迅速地点点头,抢过奖票吻了一下,然后又抱着小提琴手在地上跳起了舞。
George quitted his job, leaving his boss in the lurch. 乔治辞职了,使他的老板陷入困境。
George reached into his cashbox and took all the bills from the top section, close to six thousand dollars. 乔治把手伸进装现金的盒子,把顶层的钞票都拿了出来———有6000元左右。
George replaced Edward as captain. 乔治接任爱德华当队长。
George rudely barged in on our private meeting. 乔治无礼地闯入我们的私下会谈。
George s last minute winner in the Derby. 伟大的乔治.维阿在德比大战最后一分钟打进致胜进球。
George said he was going to explore free agency. 乔治说他会到自由市场上探索。
George said if his parents wouldn't let him marry Christine, he would run away with her. 乔治说要是他父母不让他和克里斯蒂娜结婚,那他就和她私奔。
George said, Please put my letter in the box in the office, and...He stopped. 乔治说:“请帮我把这封信投进办公室的信箱里,还有...”他停住了。
George sprang into a rage. 乔治顿时变得狂怒。

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