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If verification is successful, the Verifier sets the status to Verified. Tool sends e-mail to the Originator and Modifier.

If vegetative people's brains do indeed respond to what is going on around them, the method opens up the exciting prospect of allowing these patients to communicate with the outside world. 如果植物人的大脑真的可以对周遭事物产生反应,那么这种方法就展示了一个令人激动的前景,可以让这些病人和外部世界进行交流。
If veins direction can be divided into the mountains Qishan, on the Department of Yozo. 若以矿脉走向,又可分为高山、旗山、月洋三系。
If ventilation attempt is u ucce ful, reposition the client's head and reattempt rescue breathing again. If ventilation attempt remai u ucce ful, the airway may be o tructed by a foreign body that will need to be removed. 如人工勇气失败,重新放置病人头部,再次开始抢救呼吸。如再次失败,气道可能有异物堵塞,需要去除异物。
If ventilation attempt is unsuccessful, reposition the client's head and reattempt rescue breathing again. If ventilation attempt remains unsuccessful, the airway may be obstructed by a foreign body that will need to be removed. 如人工勇气失败,重新放置病人头部,再次开始抢救呼吸。如再次失败,气道可能有异物堵塞,需要去除异物。
If verification is succe ful, the Verifier sets the status to Verified. Tool sends e-mail to the Originator and Modifier. 如果验证通过,验证人设置变更状态为已验证。变更控制工具发电子邮件给修改人和发起人。
If verification is successful, the Verifier sets the status to Verified. Tool sends e-mail to the Originator and Modifier. 如果验证通过,验证人设置变更状态为已验证。变更控制工具发电子邮件给修改人和发起人。
If very few support his role, then he will potentially end his term in impeachment. 而如果几乎没有人支持他,那么布什将很可能在弹劾中结束任期。
If visitors come to your area it is a good thing to stop people, especially the children from asking for money, even in fun. 如果当地有外来游客,最好制止那些乞讨钱财的人,特别是小孩;就算是开玩笑也不行。
If voted into law, it will nullify the CRB's decision. 如果这项提案被投票选入法律,它将使CRB的决定无效。
If want my letting go then can acquire, why in my heart loathe to give up. 如果要我放手才能获得,为何在我心中有舍不得.
If war breaks out there, it will be because China - acting imperially and carelessly - has tried to invade and annex a land and people who do not want that to happen. 如果战争发生在台湾,原因必定归根于大陆-他们的行动官僚化并且缺乏考量,他们试图侵略和吞并一个岛屿,尽管当地人民并不希望这种情况发生.

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