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I said to myself concerning the sons of men, God has surely tested them in order for them to see that they are but beasts.

I said see you later boy. 我说再见了,男孩,
I said that it might rain. 我说过可能会下雨。
I said there are 2 possibilitys, for the dare-devils or turbo traders (wich I don't do nore recommend) you can do buys and sells within 1 trend. 我提到过有2种交易方式,对于激进的交易者(我并不推荐),你可以在一个趋势进行当中,既可以进行买入操作,又可以进行卖出操作。
I said there is no reason for my fear. 我说,实在没有理由对我的恐惧.
I said this is so damn filmy) O so stupid of you! 我说了这是这样极其朦胧的)你的这样愚蠢的O!
I said to myself concerning the sons of men, God has surely tested them in order for them to see that they are but beasts. 传3:18我心里说、这乃为世人的缘故、是神要试验他们、使他们觉得自己不过像兽一样。
I said to myself right then that nothing would ever happen to that gravy boat as long as I lived. 我的绳子刚好挂住了这只瓷盘边上的一个小缺口。
I said to myself, Come now, I will test you with pleasure. So enjoy yourself.And behold, it too was futility. 传2:1我心里说、来罢、我以喜乐试试你、你好享福.谁知、这也是虚空。
I said to myself, but you're missing the best part! 我自言道,但是你错过了最好的部分!
I said to the angel who was speaking with me, Where are they taking the ephah? 亚5:10我问与我说话的天使说、他们要将量器抬到那里去呢。
I said to them, You as well as these articles are consecrated to the LORD. 28我对他们说,你们归耶和华为圣,器皿也为圣。

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