She was worried and so was the librarian.
她很着急,图书管理员也是一样。 |
She was worried, I could tell, about what would happen to us.
我看得出来,她对我们将要面临的困境深感忧虑。 |
She was worthless as a violinist.
她作为小提琴手一无所成。 |
She was young, with a fair, calm face, whose lines 10)bespoke repression and even a certain strength.
她还很年青,白皙而安详的脸上的线条,显示着一种压抑甚或说是一种力量。 |
She was/became aware of the danger.
她(终于)觉察到危险。 |
She was/got completely paralytic last night.
她昨天晚上喝得酩酊大醉. |
She washed her hair every night and measured how much it grew in a week.
她每晚洗头发,而且量量看一星期长多少。 |
She washed her hands and salted the soup herself.
她洗了手,往汤里加了一些盐。 |
She washed the test tubes and she dried them.
她清洗了试管,并把它们弄干了。 |
She wasn't a first-rate violinist, but she passed muster.
她不是一流的小提琴手,但是她也还算令人满意。 |
She wasn't anybody before she got that job.
她得到那份工作以前并非重要人物. |