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Closed system pressure buildup precautions installed.

Closed beta will end at 6pm on July 7. Open beta will begin at 2pm on July 9. 内测将在7月7日下午6时结束,外测将在7月9日下午2点开始。
Closed grabs that are capable of taking contained buckets of sediments without leakage shall be used for all dredging operations. 所有挖泥作业须使用闭合抓斗,可以抓紧满载沉积物的容器而不会渗漏。
Closed mechanical grabs for dredging shall be maintained to avoid spillage and shall seal tightly while being lifted. 应使用密封式机械抓斗,以免物料溅溢,并于提起时保持抓斗密封。
Closed microwave digestion was coupled to flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry (FAAS) for the determination heavy metal ions in sewage samples. 摘要采用密闭微波消解-火焰原子吸收光谱法测定污水中的重金属。
Closed power until completely cooling equipment. 关闭电源,直到设备完全冷却。
Closed system pressure buildup precautions installed. 关闭已安装的系统压力累计预防装置。
Closed-circuit television from Underground stations and the streets, witness statements and descriptions provided by passengers will be a major part of identifying and catching the bombers. 来自地铁和街道上的闭路电视,目击者的陈述,以及过路行人所提供的描述,将会是辨认爆炸者的主要部分。
Closed-end funds in China are far outnumbered by open-end funds. 摘要近年来我国新设立的开放式基金远远多于封闭式基金。
Closed-ended (yes or no, this or that) questions are preferred; open-ended questions can get long and involved, reducing their overall relevancy and the likelihood that you'll get the response you desire. 封闭式(是或否,这或那)问题当然更好,开放式问题会让邮件变得很长很混乱,减少了总体的相关性,并且你可能会得到并非你期望的答复。
Closely cooperate with production and technical team to solve the quality problem. 与生产部门和技术部门紧密合作解决质量问题。
Closely integrated with the compiler's code generator, structured exception handling lets you easily place a guard on sections of your code and invoke exception handlers when something goes wrong in the guarded section. 用编译器的编码发生器紧密结合,结构异常处理使你轻易的在你的代码区域上放置一个防护装置,并且当被防护的区域内出现错误的时候调用异常处理器。

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