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Article 17 Within the concession period, the project company shall, in accordance with the provisions of the concession contract, uninterruptedly provide public products and services, maintain the urban infrastructure subject to concessionary management a

Article 17 Water and soil conservation measures must be adopted to prevent soil erosion when preparations for afforestation, tending of young growth, and cultivation of commodity trees such as oil-tea camellia and tung tree are done on hillsides with a sl 第十七条在五度以上坡地上整地造林,抚育幼林,垦复油茶、油桐等经济林木,必须采取水土保持措施,防止水土流失。
Article 17 When using measuring instruments,no person shall be allowed to impair their accuracy,thereby prejudicing the interests of the State and consumers. 第十七条使用计量器具不得破坏其准确度,损害国家和消费者的利益。
Article 17 Where the manufacturer fails to file a tax return within the time limit prescribed in Paragraph 1 of Article 12 but has filed the tax return and paid the Tobacco and Alcohol Tax and the Health and Welfare Surcharge owed within the time limit as 第17条产制厂商未依第十二条第一项规定期限申报计算税额申报书,而已依第十四条规定之补报期限申报缴纳菸酒税及菸品健康福利捐者,按应纳菸酒税税额及菸品健康福利捐金额加徵百分之一滞报金,其金额不得超过新台币十万元,最低不得少于新台币一万元。
Article 17 Where the sign of the Red Crescent is used due to religious beliefs, the provisions on the use of the sign of the Red Cross shall apply. 第十七条因宗教信仰使用红新月标志的,其使用办法适用红十字标志的使用规定。
Article 17 Within 15 days of the suspension of its business or the change in its business name, address and the name or address of its representative, a feed vendor shall file a report on such suspension or change with the competent authority of the munic 第17条(变更登记之申报)饲料贩卖业者,如歇业或变更名称、地址或代表人之姓名或住址,应于歇业或变更后十五日内,申报所在地直辖市或县(市)主管机关。
Article 17 Within the concession period, the project company shall, in accordance with the provisions of the concession contract, uninterruptedly provide public products and services, maintain the urban infrastructure subject to concessionary management a 第十七条特许期限内,项目公司应当按照特许协议的约定不间断地提供公共产品和服务,对实施特许经营的城市基础设施进行维修,保证设施的良好运转。
Article 17 [Appliances] Governmental departments concerned should organize and support the research, production, supply and maintenance of rehabilitation equipment, appliances for self service, special utensils and other aids for disabled persons. 第十七条政府有关部门应当组织和扶持残疾人康复器械、生活自助具、特殊用品和其他辅助器具的研制、生产、供应、维修服务。
Article 17. APUNEA's nuclear technology can be used for any APUNEA members with purpose of peaceful use of nuclear energy. 第十七条阿普尼亚的核能技术可用于为任何成员和平利用核能的目的服务。
Article 17. For the compilation of the plan for a city, data on exploration and surveying and other necessary basic information shall be made available. 第十七条编制城市规划应当具备勘察、测量及其他必要的基础资料。
Article 17. Parents or other guardians must perform their duty of ensuring that female school-age children or adolescents receive the compulsory education. 第十七条父母或者其他监护人必须履行保障适龄女性儿童少年接受义务教育的义务。
Article 17. Technologies freely importable shall be subject to the contract registration system. 第十七条对属于自由进口的技术,实行合同登记管理。

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