The brothers and sistersreferred to in this Law include blood brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters of half blood, adopted brothers and sisters, as well as step-brothers and step-sisters who supported or were supported by the decedent. |
中文意思: 本法所说的兄弟姐妹,包括同父母的兄弟姐妹、同父异母或者同母异父的兄弟姐妹、养兄弟姐妹、有扶养关系的继兄弟姐妹。 |
The authoritieswere costumed volunteers with the Danish Red Cross Youth, which runs the intense simulation for students in an effort to educate them about the struggles refugees face.
这些官员则是由丹麦青年红十字会的义工假扮,该组织正是这场紧张的模拟活动的主办单位,目的在于让学生们了解难民在逃难时面臨的困境。 |
The auxiliary business operations related to international ocean shippingas used in the preceding paragraph include international ship agencies, international ship management, port handling of international ocean shipping, the storage of goods related to
前款所称与国际海上运输相关的辅助性经营活动,包括本条例分别规定的国际船舶代理、国际船舶管理、国际海运货物装卸、国际海运货物仓储、国际海运集装箱站和堆场等业务。 |
The benevolencein the Analects, to the exclusion of incorrect resources and misunderstandings, falls lexically into four categories, but which in nature all mean loving others, as testifies that the fundamental connotation of the doctrine of Confucian ben
排除不正确的材料与误解,《论语》中的“仁”虽从词义上可分为四类,但其实质皆是“爱人”-关爱他人,孔子仁学的真正内涵,只有“爱人”一项,而没有其他。 |
The bottle, in this case more likely to have been a glass inkwell or candlestick, had been damaged during discovery but still had its contents.
“瓶子”,在这情形下更可能是玻璃墨水瓶或烛台,在发现过程中已经被损坏但是仍装有东西。 |
The boxis a counterweight, used to keep the bridge open when boats are trying to go across it.
这个”箱子”是有秤锤的作用,当船要经过时,能保持桥梁的张开. |
The brothers and sistersreferred to in this Law include blood brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters of half blood, adopted brothers and sisters, as well as step-brothers and step-sisters who supported or were supported by the decedent.
本法所说的兄弟姐妹,包括同父母的兄弟姐妹、同父异母或者同母异父的兄弟姐妹、养兄弟姐妹、有扶养关系的继兄弟姐妹。 |
The catchphase of the stroke should utilize an out-and-downward scull with minimal force.
划臂的“抓水”阶段应该利用最小的力外下划。 |
The checkout-edit-checkindoctrine is obviously more traditional and conservative.
签出-修改-签入说法是明显很传统和保守的。 |
The childrenreferred to in this Law include legitimate children, illegitimate children and adopted children, as well as step-children who supported or were supported by the decedent.
本法所说的子女,包括婚生子女、非婚生子女、养子女和有扶养关系的继子女。 |
The clonedSIM card will work just like the original meaning you can make a call, send an SMS, manage phonebook and SMS messages too.
“克隆”出来的SIM卡能够像原来的卡一样用来打电话,发短信,存电话本和短信。 |
The communication-discussion-findingteaching tactic based on the Communication anddiscussing between teachers and students or between students and students is a total tactic of teaching activities in order to bring teachers and students discovering and in
摘要“交往-研讨-发现”教学策略是通过师生交往、生生交流、沟通,相互研究、讨论,使师生不断有所新发现、有所创新并获得教学生活的整体意义的教学活动策略。 |