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China can the exhibition hall can show 6 different type at the same time run quickly car; Capacious and the maintenance service establishment that 2 maintenance service center is having high grade all ready, bright fittings storeroom and run quickly amply

China called off its weeklong May Day vacation in hopes of stopping tens of millions of people from traveling and spreading the virus. 中国政府放弃一周的五一劳动节假期,希望阻止几千万的旅游人口,防止病毒的扩散。
China camellia culture garden takes the camellia culture as its theme, including landscape, garden, flowers, architecture, exhibition, and peacock garden. 中国茶花文化园是一个以茶花文化为主题的,融山水、园林、花卉、建筑、展览、孔雀园等于一体的游览休闲胜地。
China can also resort to the binding dispute settlement procedure if its rights are impaired. 当中国的权利受到侵害时,它亦可以诉诸于世贸组织的具有约束力的争端解决机制。
China can now also use space controlas a policy weapon to help project its growing power regionally and globally. 中国现在也可以把“控制太空”当作加强其不断增长的地区和全球实力的政治武器了。
China can still do a lot on its own. 中国仍然有大量需要自己做的工作。
China can the exhibition hall can show 6 different type at the same time run quickly car; Capacious and the maintenance service establishment that 2 maintenance service center is having high grade all ready, bright fittings storeroom and run quickly amply 华能展厅同时可展示6辆不同型号的奔驰轿车;2维修服务中心有着优质齐备的维修服务设施、宽敞明亮的配件库房以及充足的奔驰原厂配件库存、11个机修工位和6个钣喷工位可随时满足各种规格奔驰车的维修服务需求;另外,宽敞、舒适的客户休息区、咖啡吧、和优美的绿化带更反映出梅赛德斯—奔驰致力于不断改善对客户的关怀、为客户营造亲切舒适的环境、务求精益求精的服务理念。
China can use wind power to avoid polluting energy. 绿色和平组织:为避开污染性能源中国可改利用风力。
China can't develop in isolation from the rest of the world. 关起门来搞建设是不成的,中国的发展离不开世界。
China carries out nine -year compulsory education. 中国实行九年制义务教育。
China challenges the world in discipline. . 中国的纪律居世界第一。
China claimed third place in the Asian Youth Under 19 Championship, beating the hosts Iran 6-5 in a penalty shoot-out after an eventful 2-2 draw in Tehran's Shihroudi Stadium. 变故多的,多事的;中国队与伊朗队以攻对功,这场硬碰硬的比赛一共打进了四个球。

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