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That$s my castle you're destroying. Go away.

That your foot may shatter them in blood, The tongue of your dogs may have its portion from your enemies. 诗68:23使你打碎仇敌、你的脚踹在血中、使你狗的舌头、从其中得分。
That zoom-in camera was done in real-time to capture the kind of video-like footage that we had. 这样的放大缩小的画面运镜都是实时完成的,震撼吧,电影级别的画面和运镜。。。。
That ’ s a pound of apples and half a pound cabbages . 那就是一磅苹果,半磅卷心菜。
That “would be a tragic mistake”, he noted three days before. 三天前他又指出,那“将是个悲剧性的错误”。
That$s it, classic guerrilla tactics, that$s what we like. 就是这样,经典的游击战术,这就是我们需要的。
That$s my castle you're destroying. Go away. 你正在摧毁我的城堡,滚开。
That%26rsquo;s like putting the cat near the goldfish bowl. 参考译文]这等于把猫放在金鱼缸旁。//自找麻烦;自讨苦吃;开门揖盗。
That'll be a dream in the future not far away. 不远的未来有着一个梦想。
That'll be a long elevator ride. 那会是个很长的电梯之旅。
That'll be quite all right. 那很好。
That'll change your emotion. 唱唱歌.这会改变你的情绪.

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