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Feagin, Joe R. and Clairece Booher Feagin, 1993, Racial and Ethnic Relations. Englewood Cliffs, NJ.: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

1 Fe fu posi ki ad urba. She might go to town. 已记 看解释
2 Fe ki ad urba. She goes to town. 已记 看解释
3 Fe nu ki ad urba. She is now going to town. 已记 看解释
4 Fe nu pa ki ad urba. She has just gone to town. 已记 看解释
5 Fe pa du ki ad urba. She was going to town. 已记 看解释
6 Feagin, Joe R. and Clairece Booher Feagin, 1993, Racial and Ethnic Relations. Englewood Cliffs, NJ.: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 已记 看解释
7 Fear Ward is now only available to Dwarf Females. 已记 看解释
8 Fear always springs from ignorance. 已记 看解释
9 Fear an ignorant man more a lion.---- Proverb. 已记 看解释
10 Fear and a snare is come upon us, desolation and destruction. 已记 看解释
11 Fear and despair engulfed me. 已记 看解释

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