Officials declined to comment on the second board.
证交所官员拒绝对二板市场发表评论。 |
Officials discovered the rock 4)wedged in a 5)screen beneath one of the facility's shower 6)stalls.
结果狱警们在监狱一间单人淋浴间的下水道里,发现这颗钻石卡在了一张滤网中。 |
Officials dispatched to the ROC by foreign governments on short-term missions and their dependants.
三外国政府派遣来我国执行短期外交任务之官员及其眷属。 |
Officials estimate there are at least 400,000 homeless in Aceh, and most are living in makeshift refugee camps along the washed out roads, in the forests, or anywhere they can find a spot of land.
官员们估计,印尼亚齐地区有至少40万人无家可归,其中大多数人居住在临时搭起的难民营里,栖身在被海水冲蚀的道路边和森林里、或者可以居住的任何一片陆地上。 |
Officials fear those numbers will rise as well.
有关官员担心死伤人数还会上升。 |
Officials from Greenwich Observatory have the clock checked twice a day.
格林威治天文台的职员们天天对大钟反省两次。 |
Officials from Yale's anthropology department were not immediately available for comment.
耶鲁大学人类学院的官员们没有立即对此事发表评论。 |
Officials from the Department of European Affairs of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of PRC, diplomats of Embassies in China and representatives of major international organizations totally about 100 people attended the celebration ceremony.
中国外交部欧洲司官员、各国驻华大使馆外交官及国际组织代表共约100余人参加此次聚会。 |
Officials from the neurological center note that a national ethics commission has approved the research.
该神经中心的负责人员则说,古巴的国家伦理调查委员会已批准了该项研究。 |
Officials had agreed – and reaffirmed at a special meeting hosted by Mr Putin last week on Russia's energy squeeze – to prioritise development of hydroelectric, nuclear and coal-fired generation.
俄罗斯官员已同意优先发展水电、核电和煤电——在普京上周主持召开的俄罗斯能源短缺问题特别会议上,又重申了这一点。 |
Officials had decleared a heat emergency in parts of Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana.
有关部门在俄亥俄州、肯塔基州和印第安纳州的一些地方发布了高温预警。 |