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The pros and cons of mixed schooling are now under discussion.

The proprietor committee is the actuating mechanism that represents thoughts of the proprietor assembly or the all proprietors. 业主委员会是业主大会的执行机构,代表业主大会或全体业主的意志。
The proprietor owns all of the property of the business and is responsible for everything. 所有者拥有企业的所有资产并且对企业的一切负责。
The proprietor owns all the property of the business and is responsible for everything. 经营者拥有企业的全部财产,并对企业负全部责任。
The propriety of some persons seems to consist in having improper thoughts about their neighbours. 一些人的社会礼俗似乎包括他们对邻居的不当念头.
The props kayaks, bungee cords, belay ropes are seen as a diversion rather than a teaching tool. 小艇道具、高空绳索、确保绳索等被视为是种消遣娱乐,而不是种教具。
The pros and cons of mixed schooling are now under discussion. 男女同校的利弊问题正在讨论之中。
The pros may have a slight turn with the racket in the direction they are running, but the full swing begins when they are about to hit. 尽管在他们的跑动过程中球拍会有轻微的调整,但是当他们准备击球时一定会保证球拍的充分摆动。
The pros may have a slight turn with the racket in the direction they are running, but the fullng begins when they are about to hit. 尽管在他们的跑动过程中球拍会有轻微的调整,但是当他们准备击球时一定会保证球拍的充分摆动。
The pros outweigh the cons. 正面理由超过反面理由。
The prose author's diagnosis discloses that the hose is damaged. 散文作者的诊断透露软管被损坏。
The prosecution attorney collected so much evidence against the thief that he felt it was an open and shut case. 原告的律师收集了许多证据来指控这小偷,他认为案已大白。

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