As you progress, we will reward you for taking initiative and responsibility for end-to-end management of your assignment.
项目完成后,公司会结合个人业绩表现与业务进程对个人予以适当的奖励。 |
As you progress, we will reward you for taking initiative and responsibility for end-to-end management of your assignments.
项目完成后,公司会结合个人业绩表现与业务进度对个人予以适当的奖励。 |
As you raise the bar and reach the next plateau, there will always be challenges.
当你越过障碍到达下一阶段时,你仍会遇到许多困难。 |
As you readsee and feel and believe yourself already in possession of the money.
念的时候,要有如亲见目睹一般,实际体会真正拥有这笔钱时的感觉。 |
As you remember,little Sara has been kinapped.Her parents have five hours to pay half a millon dollars as ransom to her kidnappers,but there is no way they can do that in time.
如你们所知,小萨拉遭人绑架,她的父亲有5小时的时间将五十万元赎金交给绑匪,但是他们无法及时准备那么多钱。 |
As you requested I had written the holy epithet of Medicine Guru Buddha in calligraphy. It is attached.
应您之请求,我已手书药师佛的圣号。档案附呈。 |
As you requested in the letter I had written a Foreword for your up-coming book.
应您信中所提之请,我已为您即将出版的书写好了一篇前言。 |
As you rub the clay bar across the surface of your paint, you are picking up bonded contaminants.
如果你用它磨擦漆面,它还可以吸附污染物。 |
As you said, some foreign governments indulged in these asylum seekers, how did they do so?
你说有些外国政府对这些“寻求避难者”采取了纵容态度,他们是怎样纵容的? |
As you said: No one's easy to servive out of home. Keep you balance and find your own way. Success will wait for you in the near future.
就象你说的一样:在外打工的民工都不容易,保持你的平衡并且找到自己的方向.成功在不远的将来等着你. |
As you search for that special theme or melody, you may draw from mental pictures of an actual past event, a future one, or some totally off-the-wall scenario.
当你搜索那些特殊主题或旋律时,你可以从一段真实的发生过的事件,一个未来的,或一些完全稀奇古怪的想像来绘出精神图像。 |