How much is haulage?
运费是多少? |
How much is his annual salary?
他的年薪是多少? |
How much is his annual salary?
许多观赏植物都是一年生的。 |
How much is it estimated Beijing will spend on Olympic projects?
北京预计将在奥运会项目上花费多少美元? |
How much is it per night?
每晚费用为多少? |
How much is it to go to the museum?
到博物馆约需多少钱? |
How much is it?
多少钱? |
How much is left in our bank account.
银行帐上还剩多少。 |
How much is our advertising budget?
我们的广告预算是多少? |
How much is that doggie in the window? The one with the wabbly tail. How much is that doggie in the window? I do hope that doggie is for sate.
看橱窗里有着一条小狗,它摇头摆尾可真逗。花多少钱才能把它买下?我希望它能够出售。 |
How much is that doggy in the window?
知道这只可爱的约克夏身价多少吗? |