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For each drug process under computer control determine the general system loop (sensors, central processor, activator).

For dual-phase flow such as steam-water mixtures. 对于双相流体,如蒸汽-水混合流体。
For dusty wooden, plastic, leather, ceramic surfaces, let Buff-Up Furniture Polish provide a light protective coating. It combines cleaning and waxing. 厨房炉具、抽油烟机、墙壁─只需喷上已用水稀释的超霸强力去渍剂,再用湿布一抹,所有油烟、污渍立即消失,厨房回复明亮爽洁。
For each Valve DN should be make special seat in order to position valve in the centre of fixture. 每种被测阀门必须有专用支架以保证对中安装。
For each assignment, you will analyze one feature-length film in which law is a central character. 每份作业分析一部以法律为中心看点的故事长片。
For each collection of reference data there is one service that creates it, publishes it, and periodically sends it to other services. 对于每个引用数据的集合,总是有一个服务创建它,发布它,周期性的发送非其他服务。
For each drug process under computer control determine the general system loop (sensors, central processor, activator). 明确计算机控制下的每个制药工艺的常规系统回路(传感器、中央处理器、活化器)。
For each edition of the Olympic Games, a new model of torch should be created. It must conform to exacting technical standards. 每一届奥运会都会创造出新型火炬,它们必须符合特定的技术标准。
For each encoded power, roll on Table 7-10: Stone Power Levels to determine its level, then choose the specific power of a given level from those described in Chapter 5: Powers. 对每道异能,按表7-10“灵能石异能能级”掷骰决定其能级,然后从第五章“异能详述”的说明中选择所得能级的具体异能。
For each faction, there is one kingdom that is safe, and this is where you will start. 因此,您也可以扮演另一阵营的角色,只要您喜欢。
For each life saved, we owe a debt of gratitude to the brave public servants who devote their lives to finding the terrorists and stopping them. (Applause. 就每一条被拯救的生命而言,我们需要对那些为保护我们而出生入死、打击恐怖分子的公务员们致敬。
For each member of the group – A letter of the working unit or company – with address, telephone and fax of the employer, stamp and signature with name and position of the person signing – stating: working position, salary, approval for leave and confirma 针对每一位团组成员:需提供工作单位出具的介绍信(包括:单位地址,办公室电话及传真,有签署权负责人的签字并加盖写明姓名及职务的印章),介绍信需陈述:聘用证明以及申请职人职务及工资,同意申请人休假出国旅游的证明以及接受申请人旅游归来重返工作岗位的证明。

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