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The Holy Bible encompasses great literary value, but there is one undeniable fact that it is also a book loaded with many religious ideas.

The Hogwarts, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin crest stamps all feature on the magical Miniature Sheet First Day Cover, cancelled with the appropriately named Broom postmark. 哈利波特首日封,包含学院的共5张邮票。可以自由选择国内分寄或直接以之为邮资寄到中国您的地址。
The Hollywood hunk, 43, was picked by more than one in four blokes. 这个43岁的好莱坞魅力男人得到了超过25%的投票。
The Holmenkollen ski-jumping board is one of the most famous symbols of Oslo. 荷门克伦滑雪台是奥斯陆的标志建筑之一。
The Holocaust and Australia Jewish History, including related links. 大屠杀和澳洲犹太人历史,包括串连有关的网站。
The Holocene events, therefore, appear to be the most recent manifestation of a pervasive millennial-scale climate cycle operating independently of the glacial-interglacial climate state. 所以,全新世事件似乎是(距今)最近的千年气候周期的杰作。这种常见周期(删--的运行)是独立于冰期-间冰期交替气候的.
The Holy Bible encompasses great literary value, but there is one undeniable fact that it is also a book loaded with many religious ideas. 然而,尽管《圣经》文学价值极其丰富,但其宗教色彩也极其浓厚。
The Holy Bible has undoubtedly a great influence on English literature. 摘要《圣经》对英语语言文学的影响是巨大的。
The Holy Bible was written by men divinely inspired and is the record of God's revelation of Himself to man. 圣经是神默示与人所编写的,同时它也是神启示祂自己给人的一部纪录。
The Holy Grail of mobile computing is a portable device that has the power of a desktop computer, lasts more than a day on a single battery charge, and weighs next to nothing. 圣盘是一种便携式电脑,它的能力如同一台台式电脑,电池充电一次可用一天多,而且重量很轻。
The Holy Office knew this full well when it caused heretics to be burned in days gone by. 宗教法庭对此是非常清楚的,因此从前它总是把异教徒烧死。
The Holy Spirit cannot be the third part of a Trinity, if the first two parts do not exist. 如果三位一体的前两部分不存在,那么圣灵就不可能是第三部分。

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