Pope Benedict XVI formally began his papacy, stressing Roman Catholics shared bonds with Jews and other Christians and promising followers to heed their voices.
罗马教皇本尼迪克特十六世开始正式担任其教皇职位,他强调罗马天主教和犹太教以及其它基督教派之间的紧密联系,他向其追随者保证注意倾听他们的声音。 |
Pope Benedict XVI lamented that hundreds of millions of people in the world do not have enough to eat.
教皇本笃十六世对世界上有数亿人无法得到足够的食品感到十分悲哀。 |
Pope Benedict XVI lamented that hundreds of millions of people in the world, do not have enough to eat.
教皇本笃十六世悲叹世界上数以亿计的人们仍然没有摆脱饥饿。 |
Pope Benedict XVI puts his predecessor John Paul II on the fast track for sainthood, overriding the usual waiting period.
新教皇跨过常规的等待期,快速继任前任的圣徒地位。 |
Pope Benedict described the situation as an injustice, and said that, to make an impact on a large scale, it is necessary to convert the model of global development.
教皇用不公平来形容这一情况,并且表示,要获得大规模的成效就必须改变全球发展模式。 |
Pope Benedict offered praise Sunday to an Italian nun for pardoning her killers.
周日,罗马教皇对一名意大利修女原谅杀人凶手的行为表示赞扬。 |
Pope Boniface VIII denied the virginity of Mary.
教宗博尼费斯八世否认玛丽亚的处女性。 |
Pope John Paul II apologises for inactivity and silence of some Roman Catholics during the Holocaust.
1998年的今天,教皇约翰·保罗二世为了一些在犹太人大屠杀中保持沉默和无所作为的罗马天主教徒而公开道歉。 |
Pope John Paul II makes a point of giving at least some of his speeches in the language of the country he's visiting. He has the gift of tongues.
罗马教皇约翰保罗二世在他访问别的国家时,坚持用该国的语言进行部分的演讲。他具有多种语言才能。 |
Pope John Paul II pauses as he leads a special audience in Paul VI hall at the Vatican.
教皇保罗二世在梵蒂冈保罗四世大厅主持布道时休息. |
Pope John Paul II says,We have almost everything in common. Above all, we have in common the true longing for unity.
教宗若望保禄二世曾说过:「我们差不多所有的信条都是一样,但除了这些不同以外,我们一同有一个共同点,这就是渴求教会的合一!」 |