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The fresh unriped maize is more and more popular due to its functions for human health.

The fresh but light mood when I first unfolded the envelope and took out the leaf still retains in my memory. 依然记得打开信封取出它时那种新鲜而又恬淡的心情。
The fresh flesh on the mesh refreshed the dog. 网格上的新鲜肉使狗恢复了体力.
The fresh food had better be flown to Beijing. 这些新鲜食物最好空运到北京去。
The fresh juice is nutritious, made of genuine fruit without artificial spices. To keep balance, more fruit will beautify your skin, and so are papaya milk and Luoli milk! 鲜榨果汁,营养好喝,真才实料不含香料,现在流行均衡一下,水果让你皮肤漂漂喔,香浓的木瓜牛奶和酪梨牛奶也很补喔!
The fresh morning air seemed to drive away all his sombre passions. 早晨的清新空气仿佛驱散了所有那些阴郁的念头。
The fresh unriped maize is more and more popular due to its functions for human health. 摘要鲜食玉米由于其良好的保健功效,越来越受到人们的喜爱,具有广阔的市场前景。
The fresh water was running short. 饮用水快用完了,并且食物也不足。
The freshman took several days to orient himself. 那个大学一年级学生花了好几天时间以熟悉环境。
The freshness of the September morning inspired and braced him. 九月早晨的生机勃勃鼓舞着他振作精神。
The freshwater and the Yantse River transportation are also very convenient. 内河航运、长江水运也十分便捷。
The friability explains how portions of the vegetation can break off and embolize. 由于赘生物的易碎,因此极易脱落和引起栓塞。

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