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A:You should apologize to me.

A:You looked downhearted all day. What happened? 你一整天看起来都闷闷不乐的样子.发生什么事了?
A:You might notice that the order is placed on CFR basis. Can I change the price terms into CIF? 你也许已经主意到了这个定单是按CFR价格条件制定的,我能把它改成CIF价格吗?
A:You must be rolling in dough, then. 真的?那你肯定发了.
A:You must fetch the drinks yourself and no one else is allowed to do it for you when you need more beer or mineral water or soft drinks, and when urine is less than 75ml. 尿样少于75毫升须多喝啤酒、矿泉水或软饮料时,必须您自己亲自去取,不得别人代取。
A:You seem to be in the seventh heaven. What's put you there? 你看上去高兴极了,什么让你这么高兴?
A:You should apologize to me. (你应该跟我道歉。)
A:You sound like Mr know-it-all. 你好象万事通似的。
A:You'd better stay away from him then! 你最好离他远一点。
A:You're acting weird tonight. 你今晚举止怪怪的。
A:You're not talking about that serial killer, are you? 你不是在说连环杀人狂吧,是吗?
A:Your sister always sends you souvenirs from the places she visits. 你姊姊出去旅行,都会寄纪念品回来给你。

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