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Now tell me something abut your professional education.

Now take up the classic ice-cream-cone-eating stance: feet from one to one feet apart, body bent forward from the waist at a twenty-five-degree angle, right elbow well up, right forearm horizontal, at a level with your collarbone and about twelve inches f 现在摆出吃冰漠淋的古典姿势两足相距一两英尺,上半身前倾25度,右肘抬起,右前臂水平提至与颈骨同高处,距离12英寸。
Now take your rib spreader , crack open he sternum allowing access to the heart. 现在(用骨钎)打开肋骨,胸骨,这样就可以接触到心脏。
Now tell me about your educational background. 请给我讲讲你的教育背景。
Now tell me if you have a good command of both written and spoken English. 请告诉我你的英语口语和书面语是否都很好。
Now tell me if you will keep faith and truth with my master. 现在请告诉我,你们是否愿意以诚信待我主人,与他联姻。
Now tell me something abut your professional education. 现在请你谈谈你所接受的专业教育的情况。
Now tell me the truth: I don't want any more of your fairy stories.' `把真相告诉我, 我不想再听你胡诌了.'
Now tester can consider whether to expand the set with additional tests to explore some otherwise untouched combinations. 然后,测试者再考虑是否要用新的测试来扩展该集合以开发某些不同的未涉及到的因果组合。
Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place. 林后2:15因为我们在神面前、无论在得救的人身上、或灭亡的人身上、都有基督馨香之气。
Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place. 15因为我们在婉面前,无论在得救的人身上,或灭亡的人身上,都有基督馨香之气。
Now that Al was kicked out of the White House, he will stay in our spare room. 现在阿尔·戈尔被踢出了白宫,他将住在我家的客房里。

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