There are rich plateau wetlands ecosystems in Tibet which is endemic to China.
本研究通过实地考察结合文献分析,系统研究了西藏高原湿地生态系统的构成、分布及特点。 |
There are rival factions within the party.
这政党之中有对立的小圈圈。 |
There are rope bridges, arch bridges, tower bridges, cable bridges and reinforced concrete bridges.
有早期的索桥、拱桥、塔桥、斜拉桥和钢筋混凝土桥。 |
There are rough endoplastic reticula and Golgi complexes in the cells of the androgenic gland, indicating that it seems to secret the proteinoid hormone.
伴随着生殖细胞的生成及排放,促雄性腺呈现出规律性的变化。 |
There are roughly 4,000 of them (precise numbers are hard to come by) working everywhere from giant multinationals to tiny family firms.
粗略估计有4000(精确数字很难统计)人左右的企业牧师正在为从巨型跨国公司到微型家庭公司的各种企业服务。 |
There are rows of tents at the foot of the mountain.
山脚下有几排帐篷。 |
There are rumors that she will star in her current husband's next movie, much to the chagrin of loyal Ritchie fans.
有传言称,她将出演现任丈夫的下一部影片,这使得忠实的瑞奇迷们甚是失望。 |
There are rumours of an impending merger.
有谣传说是快要合并了. |
There are safe deposit boxes at the Front Desk and your room.
前台和您的房间都有存放贵重物品的保险箱。 |
There are same quantity of right-and-left turn reel in every unit of package and indication at the seal of the every reel.Every reel should be separated by soft foam.A pile reel has been enclosed in plastic bag with desiccating agent or vaccum packaging.T
每包装单元内,放入等数量的左右旋膜卷,并在膜卷封口处标明,每膜卷之间用软泡沫片隔开,成垛的膜卷封入带干燥剂的塑料袋内或真空方式包装,再装入包装箱。 |
There are sealing washer on joints with functions of water-proof and lamp directly.
接合面设有密封条,有较强的防水、防尘功能。 |