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The book was so boring that it had Mary into the land of Nod in twenty minutes.

The book was nowhere to be found. 这本书无处可寻。
The book was printed on rough yellow paper. 这本书用粗糙的黄纸印刷。
The book was published in remembrance of the incident. 这本书是为纪念这个事件出版的。
The book was rather boring . 那本书相当枯燥乏味。
The book was simply a crutch to my memory. 那本书是我的记忆的支柱。
The book was so boring that it had Mary into the land of Nod in twenty minutes. 这本书枯燥乏味,玛丽看了还不到二十分钟就睡着了。
The book was so interesting that I couldn't tear myself away from it. 这本书如此有意思以至于我爱不释手。
The book was the result of ten years of assiduous research . 那本书是十年苦心钻研的成果。
The book was the result of ten years of assiduous research. 那本书是十年苦心钻研的成果。
The book was translated into many versions and sold all over the world. 这本书被翻译成多种译文并行销全球。
The book was translated without the sanction of the author. 这本书未经作者许可就给翻译了。

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