But as more the years they live through medical school life, less motivation they have.
4.医学生虽然对医师的高收入感兴趣,但也深知医师对社会的特殊责任。 |
But as much as 20% could also be in more traditional things that don't emit light, such as black holes and clouds of gas that never became stars.
但是其中差不多20%也可能是不发光的传统物质,如黑洞和不可能形成恒星的气体。 |
But as much as there is to appreciate in the sheer technical achievement of America's Army, the bottom line is that it's fun — from the first barks of your drill instructor at the training base's obstacle course through the exhilarating firefights of the
但是正如那些要感谢的《美国军队》创造的纯粹技术成就,偶们对游戏的底线是它的乐趣――从第一声在你训练障碍爬行时教官的咆哮到爽快的联线任务射击。 |
But as news about the treatment became known, Ashley's parents were surprised by the virulence of some of the response.
但这项治疗的消息传开后,艾希莉的父母对有些恶毒的反应感到惊讶,聊天板上的评论包括「天哪! |
But as of this year, advisers must register so the agency knows who they are.
但到今年为止,顾问机构都必须到该机构登记他们的情况。 |
But as one was felling a beam, the axe head fell into the water: and he cried, and said, Alas, master! for it was borrowed.
5有一人砍树的时候,斧头掉在水里,他就呼叫说,哀哉。我主阿,这斧子是借的。 |
But as other aspects of gaming become more realistic, from high-definition graphics to vibrating controllers, manufacturers sense an opportunity to offer dedicated gaming furniture, controllers designed for specific gaming genres and new types of fancy sc
但是由于从高清晰图像到振动手柄的一系列技术,游戏变得越来越真实,基于这样的因素,制造商觉察到制作专业游戏家具、针对特定游戏类型的操纵杆和新型的奇妙显示器有着良好的市场机遇。 |
But as pay-per-click advertising has grown into a huge industry, concern has mounted over so-called “click fraud”—bogus clicks that do not come from genuinely interested customers.
但是正当点击率付费广告成长为一项巨大的产业时,关注点转向了“点击欺诈”-伪造点击并非来自真正感兴趣的消费者。 |
But as protests mounted, the ministry settled on the safety stickers.
但是随着抗议的升级,政府决定采用安全标识的方法。 |
But as quick as a Corey Maggette jumper, she sent in her deposit and reserved her seats.
但是在一边抱怨的同时,她还是在第一时间送去了订票的保证金。 |
But as seen in later books Firenze is an exception (OP27).
但是如以后的书中所见,费伦泽是个例外(OP27)。 |