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After three hours, it's over.

After three divorces she started to believe the marriage was jinxed. 在离过三次婚之后,她开始相信婚姻根本就不是好东西,根本就不会有好的归宿。
After three games, United are sitting pretty at the top of the Barclays Premiership, two points clear of Portsmouth. 3场之后,曼联以出色的表现成为联赛领头羊,比朴茨茅斯多2分。
After three hours hard working, we finished our assignments ahead of schedule. 经过三个多小时的辛勤工作,我们终于提前完成了任务。
After three hours of walking , my wife was dead on her feet. (走了三小时的路,太座累坏了。)
After three hours' frustrating delay, the train at last arrived. 经过三个小时令人厌烦的耽搁后,火车终于到达了目的地。
After three hours, it's over. 三个小时之后,一切结束。
After three months here you'll qualify for a rise. 你在这里三个月就可以加薪。
After three months observation, the corrected rotation teeth were kept in good position without relapse. 通过3个月的随访观察,扭转牙齿保持良好。
After three months of babysitting, I think I'm going to blow a fuse. 当了三个月的临时保姆后,我觉得自己就要崩溃了。
After three months of first-team football, the former Fulham striker says he is in good condition. 三个月的一线队生涯,让这位前富勒姆前锋状态甚佳。
After three months she had got used to the extreme heat. 三个月以后她就适应酷热的环境了。

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